Growth Management Program

The goal of the Growth Management Program is to promote smart growth land use policies and to prevent damage to environmentally sensitive areas that are threatened by development, climate change impacts and the weakening of existing environmental laws and regulations. The Northwest Fund seeks to fund work advancing these objectives:

  • Encourage transparent, sustainable, inclusive, community-driven land use planning and management within the State of Washington.
  • Promote land use practices and policies which seek to reduce impacts, such as carbon emissions, that contribute to climate change.
  • Increase the effectiveness of citizen advocates and nonprofit organizations to implement and maintain smart growth land use policies.
  • Support compliance with and enforcement of growth management laws and regulations that result in long-term, statewide net benefits for the natural resources of Washington State.

Strategy Emphasis

We place emphasis on these strategies to advance our objectives:

  •  Use litigation, mediation and other legal tools to enforce and monitor compliance with existing growth management laws.
  •  Educate, organize and engage the public in land use planning processes and management that is consistent with smart growth.
  •  Promote and defend the use of best available science to achieve growth management objectives.